THEY must be the most famous couple in Ramsbottom ­— and now Rozalia Linder is cashing in on her fame to help those in need.

Rozalia and her husband, Clive, became a viral hit after he brought home a leg of lamb for £30, much to his wife's astonishment which led to 'lambgate'.

The two won a legion of fans and made many smile ­— and raised the profile Ramsbottom Pantry, a local foodbank by donating the leg of lamb there.

Now Rozalia is using her cross-stitching hobby to to raise money for Ramsbottom Pantry ­— having used it to support a number of charities in the past.

She creates wonderful patterns of famous people including as Marilyn Monroe, Bob Marley and Audrey Hepburn, which she sells to support worthy causes.

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Rozalia said: "I started doing this about five or six years ago and I just found it incredibly addictive, I will quite happily stay up at night until around 11pm working on it.

"And the whole thing with Clive really brought home to me the fact that there really are people struggling to get by out there, and unfortunately not enough people know about Ramsbottom Pantry.

"That includes people that really need the service they provide, and part of my mission here was to help them raise enough money, not just to get more food for people, but for them to get more attention so people know they're there.

"So, all the money that I get from these cross-stitch patterns will be going to the pantry, because I'm doing something that I love where I can be creative.

"If you're using your hobby for charity and to do something that will help people, you're doing the right thing."

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After posting about her cross-stitch work on What's on in Ramsbottom, Rozalia received messages from people from all over the world, including Australia and New Zealand, saying they would be interested in buying her designs.

Rozalia added: "I never thought it would get this big, this has just started out as a hobby and I didn't expect that I would be getting massages from people on the other side of the world.

"If for nothing else, it proves that at least some good came from Clive's trip to Tesco."