SIXTH formers at Bury Grammar notched up a 100 per cent pass rate again this year following 18 months of upheaval.

More than 80 per cent of students' grades reached the "gold standard" of A* to B, with over 90 per cent of students obtaining their first or second choice course, the majority at Russell Group universities.

Alice Park, said: "I am over the moon, so happy, so long as you trusts yourself and keep putting in the hours, you'll do fine."

Mercy Akinyele, who gained her place at Cambridge, said: "The school was great, the teachers were so attentive.

"I struggled with the pandemic because I wasn't used to virtual learning and have three younger siblings so it is a bit harder for me. In the end, you'll find your best is always enough and you must use all the help you can get."

James Bishop, who will study at the University of Glasgow, said: "It's been challenging but we've been able to overcome it and I've enjoyed the last few years of school and that's the most important thing.

Twins Faizan and Rizwan Malik will be going on to study dentistry at the University of Madrid and University of Plymouth respectively.

Faizan said: "I chose Madrid because it's somewhere different. It's been quite an experience going through the pandemic and the school did a great job at letting us know what is going to be happening."

Rizwan added: "It's been quite unexpected and fun as well with new experiences. Everyone had to adapt."

Jenna Roach, who will be studying business and marketing at the University of Warwick said: "The past two years have been really challenging, but the teachers have been amazing and really helped us pull through."

Jo Anderson, Bury Grammar principal, added: "No two teachers or pupils have had the same experience during this extraordinary year and it is also true to say that no-one has been unaffected by the pandemic.

"It is humbling to note the success achieved by our students, the extent and number of personal challenges overcome and the way in which students, parents and teachers have all quietly worked together to support each other.

"We're just over the moon for every student who has completed their course and is healthy, happy and well prepared to embark upon the next exciting stage of their journey.

"Our A Level results demonstrate once again the strength of every department and the university courses chosen by our students reflect the diverse nature of our student body."

Devin Cassidy, vice-principal, added: "These results are absolutely stunning from a cohort of pupils who have needed to be resilient, focussed and committed throughout a period of unparalleled disruption to learning.

"It is also testament to the complete dedication of their teachers, who have ensured that learning has continued seamlessly during this period; the support our students have received has been quite remarkable.

"I wish them all well and urge them to remain connected to their old school and to keep us updated as their futures unfold.

"My very warmest congratulations to them all."