BURY North MP James Frith has called on the government to declare a national environment and climate emergency.

It comes following a wave of climate change school strikes across the country in which young people issued a call for leaders to take action to prevent a rise in global temperatures.

Bury’s Youth MP, Emma Greenwood, took part in the strike in Manchester and has thrown her support behind calls for a national emergency.

The Labour Party recently declared a national environment and climate emergency in parliament.

Mr Frith said: “Even if every individual takes steps to limit their carbon footprint, the planet will continue to warm at a dangerous pace.

“If we are to seriously consider any realistic chance of keeping global temperature below the limit of 1.5 or 2 degrees and sea levels from rising, we need radical action from the government.

“We need political leadership to change our laws, taxation and infrastructure. The UK, along with the rest of the world is facing a serious environmental and climate crisis. But this government has stuck its head so far in the sand that even children are taking to the streets to protest.”

Bury Youth MP Emma Greenwood said: “Climate change is the greatest crisis we’ve ever seen and it is my generation and the ones who come after me who will have to live with the consequences.

“Young people in Bury and across the world are fed up with talking and little action. I would like to see politicians do more to urgently address the threat we face.”

Mr Frith and Emma will host a public meeting to discuss the environment from 7pm on Tuesday, April 16 at St. Marie’s Primary School, in Edward Street.