Retiring headteacher Lynn Lines went out on a "high" from her role at Elms Bank Specialist Arts College in Whitefield.

Just before she stepped down after 14 years, Mrs Lines got one final compliment from an inspection team who rated the school excellent after a recent visit.

The report said students' personal development and well being was outstanding and those with the most complex difficulties achieve exceptionally good results.

Students feel safe and very well cared for and leadership was outstanding, the report said.

The Ofsted statement went on: "The headteacher has successfully created a culture whereby all teachers are committed to taking every child up a mountain from their starting point to the highest level.

"There is an extremely effective senior leadership team - clear about their roles and responsibilities - which has placed this school at the leading edge when it comes to national and local initiatives, which benefit all students."

Mrs Lines said: "The pupils, staff, parents and governors are collectively responsible for this excellent report.

"Everyone at Elms Bank works as a team to ensure every pupil maximises their potential. Pupils enjoy school and they give their best."

She added: "It has been a privilege to be head of such an excellent school for the last 14 years.

"My congratulations to everyone for what must be the best Osted report the school has had. I should like to thank the local authority, the local community and all those who have linked with the school, both nationally and internationally during the last few years.

"Every good wish to the new headteacher, Elaine Parkinson and all who are connected to Elms Bank."