STUDENT Jonathan Horenfield (17) is the winner of the first Making Bury Greener competition organised as a way of engaging with young people in Bury and raising awareness of Climate Change and the environment.

Students from schools and colleges across the borough were invited to submit up to 500 words about the sort of energy saving ideas they would like to see introduced in Bury and to express their views about the big issue of climate change.

Jonathan's prize was an all-expenses-paid trip to Westminster to spend a day with Bury North MP David Chaytor. Here he describes his day out in London.

THE day started bright and early at 4:30 am when me and my mum woke up and got ready to board the 6:02 train to Euston station in London.

It was a very pleasant train journey and we both had a full English breakfast on the way down to fill our empty stomachs!

We arrived at Euston on time at 8:27 and from there we raced through the heaving London rush hour and got on our stuffy, boiling hot and packed tube to Westminster. There we met Daniel, one of David Chaytor's assistants, and he provided us with the necessary tickets for the tour guide of Parliament. This lasted for roughly an hour and a half and was fascinating. We saw both the House Of Commons and The House Of Lords and our very informative guide gave us all the history of the Houses. The House Of Commons is where all the MPs sit for Prime Minister's Questions, and let me tell you, it is much smaller than it seems on TV - Gordon Brown and David Cameron are literally face to face when they are arguing amongst themselves!

After our tour of Parliament it was time to meet David Chaytor in the lobby where he gave us our passes to enter Prime Ministers Questions and see David Cameron and Gordon Brown battle it out on centre stage! This in my opinion was the most exciting and amusing event of the day. David and Gordon were getting at each other's throats and were debating drugs and prison sentences and I think on this occasion David came out on top as Gordon was looking a bit flustered by the end of it and couldn't wait to get out of there - maybe a sign of things to come politically?!

By this time our stomachs were once again empty from all that running about and we met up with David, where he took us for a tour on the Parliament terrace, which is right on the River Thames and the view is quite stunning with the London Eye right in front of you.

After this we all went for lunch in the prestigious Parliament restaurant where if you keep your eyes peeled you are bound to see some famous and well known faces - in my case David Blunkett happened to have lunch right by our table!

So, once we were thoroughly refreshed and with our stomachs full to the brim from our scrumptious three-course meal, we were full of energy to tackle our final event of the day - The Big Ben Tour, which involved climbing 314 steps to the top! Well, at least I was anyway as my mother couldn't quite make it and stopped after 100 steps as her middle-aged lungs couldn't quite cope with the strain! The view from the top is truly amazing and the mechanics of Big Ben are mind boggling and intriguing as it is so accurate, yet the technology is so old! Big Ben is never more than one second out from the correct time and its accuracy is astounding.

After this we once again met up with David and Daniel outside Parliament to have some photos taken with Big Ben in the background. From here we said our goodbyes and then our hectic journey across the London Underground began once again and we had only half an hour to board our 17:27 train. However, we made it just in time and travelled back to Manchester in the comfort of out first class train seats!

It was a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable day which will stay with me for a long time as it is not everyday you get to see the Prime Minister in person! I would like to thank David Chaytor and everyone who helped to organise such a wonderful trip to London.