I read the Making Bury Greener' article with interest and some cynicism.

What is Bury MBC doing about the rash of brickpaved/flagged front gardens appearing weekly, particularly in the Longsight Road/Brandlesholme Road locations? Many do not even leave a small flowerbed, even though there is ample space. As has been mentioned on TV programmes several times during the last months, as the rainwater is now longer absorbed into the soil and runs into the drains, this leads to flooding. The heat reflected off the paving adds to global warming and even the humble sparrow is now an endangered bird. Ken Livingstone mentioned that action will be taken in London if this continues and last week it was stated that an area the size of Hyde Park had vanished by the covering over of front gardens in London.

Take action Bury MBC before it is too late. The worship of the combusion engine is changing our lives and environment for the worse.

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