THIS is a reply to Mr Chaytor after reading your reply to Mr Brooks' letter last week.

I would like to add a few points. I too have worked for the health service for almost 27 years and at present as a midwife.

During those years I have seen many changes, but perhaps not quite as many as introduced by this goverment which has done little to improve the service but has added to the overwhelming feeling of low morale and disappointment in the goverment.

The pay review body has made a recommendation. It is not a great amount - let's not kid anyone - but it is one that the nurses need to pay their bills! Mr Chaytor talks about the recruitment of over 79,000 nurses in 30 years but doesn't mention the crisis in retaining these nurses, many of whom leave because they feel, like I do, undervalued and overworked.

Finally, could I ask Mr Chaytor if for a moment he forgot who he was addressing when replying to Mr Brooks? Mr Chaytor has done himself no favours by addressing Mr Brooks - my husband incidently - in such a disparaging way. Not quite what I would expect from a Member of Parliment.