I would like to clarify a few points about the article Holiday pals in Greek jail hell' (Bury Times, July 26).

First, (my son) Jack and Paul were not in the apartment at the time of the incident . . . they were, in fact, out in Malia, but not in the same area that the incident took place.

Second, the reason they took it in turns to sleep, was nothing to do with the other prisoners, it was because there was one mattress, so they could only sleep two at a time (if sleep was possible at all).

Third, the family friends that helped them, Andrew and Maureen, were friends of Lewis Riley's parents and not myself.

The opening line states "a crime they say they did not commit". It was a crime they DID NOT commit. The boys were used as scapegoats by the Greek police because they could not find anyone else for the theft of the young woman's handbag.

The young woman actually came to the police station and informed the police these boys were not involved, however they were still charged after she had said this.