IN reply to Councillor Roger Jones' letter of July 26, I'd like to ask when the public referendum on congestion charging is to take place? Will it be after the decision is made and done purely for appearances, I wonder?

I think if every car owner in a 40-mile radius of Manchester city centre were asked their opinion, a more realistic illustration of who is for and against this draconian, half-baked scheme would emerge.

The only opinion worth seeking is that of the motorists, as they are the ones who are being asked to alter their behaviour. A random cross-section survey is of no relevence in a situation such as this.

What part of two million online petitioners voting against the congestion charge don't the decision makers understand?

This figure is just the amount of our generally bovine population bothered to get involved before Downing Street's convenient 'computer server crash'. How many people do they need on a petition to get the message: We don't want it. Let that be the end of it. In my opinion, the decision has been made and once the scheme is in place in Manchester 'the rest of the country will follow'. As it always was, but for the wrong reasons this time. If this policy was implemented nationwide at once, there would be a riot (remember the Poll Tax anyone?). The 'suits' have learned their lesson. It is divide and conquer this time. I would urge the population to resist this lunatic plot at every opportunity.

GRANT BARLOW Rectory Lane Bury