I am a multi-drop driver working for an international delivery company.

Besides driving around Manchester to and from my place of work, my delivery area is also in the Eastlands/Ardwick area.

Though I, like many others, voted on various polls to voice our concern about the congestion tax, sorry charge, I don't know why I bothered.

It seems abundantly clear it was a done deal'. Manchester Council dismissed every voice of opposition, bulldozing their view for the future onto us all, whether we want it or not.

Let's face facts, the majority of private individuals are against it, the majority of businesses are against it. What they are proposing is being in debt to the tune of two billion pounds for years to come, paying for it with the revenue from the congestion charge. I thought it was about our congested roads. If they are trying to reduce traffic on the roads that means LESS motorists paying it.

It is a fact there are less vehicles in Manchester now than there were five years ago.

It is a fact that local government altered the sequencing of traffic lights in London prior to the introduction of their congestion charge to create traffic jams, then changed it back afterwards to make the roads appear better.

It is also a fact that bus lanes don't help the traffic flow one bit. The recent work on Bolton Road is testament to that.

With the introduction of traffic islands, traffic lights, bus lanes, not to mention all the various lines painted onto the road, this section is now a multi-coloured slalom, and it is just as bad as it was previously.

Manchester Road is another perfect example where we have painted islands down the middle to narrow the road - and don't start me on the cycle lane.

Fifteen years ago Manchester Road was a wide, straight road, with no congestion. Now it is a case of follow my leader at 20 mph and if you even attempt to overtake somebody you are looked upon as if you just ran over the family pet.

If this charge comes in, and more particularly in Bury, I won't be here by then . . . like many others, I imagine.