The so-called congestion charge around Manchester is, as we all know, another form of stealth tax.

Not only do they want a congestion charge around Manchester, but all the local towns as well.

What will they do with all the money they expect to collect? Will it go on road improvements? The answer is no.

What will they do, just waste it as usual?

The so-called faceless people in charge have never looked at the problem, never thought of the hardship to working class people. This is against human rights, we will not have freedom of movement without paying for it. You will not be able to step through your front door without some idiot wanting to tax you.

The people in this country should stand up and fight like they do abroad. Are they going to try this in France? I don't think so, they would have a revolution on their hands. We all know how councils can waste money, look what happened when Bury Council got greedy and lost a lot of money in the BCCI banking collapse. We the taxpayers lost £6m. Did anybody get fired? No. They did get some back, so what happened to it? They will have wasted it on some stupid project.

D A Filkins Ainsworth Road Radcliffe