IT is frequently said that he who laughs last laughs loudest'.

I rather suspect that, following the decision of the Standards Board of England, that the complaint against Coun Michelle Wiseman by Coun Sharon Briggs was not even worthy of an investigation that Coun Wiseman has had the last laugh - not that this unfounded unwarranted attack on Coun Wiseman is any laughing matter.

The residents of Radcliffe are by now very well aware that Coun Wiseman has been of more help and assistance to them than all the rest of the Radcliffe Labour councillors combined.

Labour has lost two seats in Radcliffe over the previous two elections and are clearly worried that their lack of effort and interest in Radcliffe is now starting to hit them at the ballot box where it hurts. Consequently the complaint was made.

Coun Briggs, say the Standards Board, "would have a variety of platforms on which to respond publicly to, and correct Coun Wiseman's allegedly inaccurate comments and put over her side of the argument".

The fact that Coun Briggs failed to do that is damning evidence that this was nothing more than a vindictive attempt by Labour to cause problems for a first class, hard working councillor and an attempt by Coun Briggs to deny access to Coun Wiseman by the Radcliffe residents. The Standards Board further commented: "Having taken account of the available information we do not believe that a potential breach of the code of conduct is disclosed."

Coun Wiseman is a ward colleague of mine and as I am aware, residents of Radcliffe and Bury South constituency should also be aware that Michelle Wiseman would not be so foolish to as to make wild comments that could not be substantiated It is regrettable that Coun Sharon Briggs has chosen to act in such a manner.

COUN PETER REDSTONE Executive member resource and performance