IN recent weeks I and many others have received propaganda from the local Conservatives and Liberal Democrat parties assuring me they are against congestion charging.

The Conservative Parliamentary Candidate in Bury South has been very outspoken on the issue.

Therefore, imagine my surprise when I heard the news that Conservative-controlled Bury Council had supported a funding bid to government which includes congestion charging. Their Conservative colleagues in Trafford voted against this proposal at the same meeting.

As for the Lib Dems, when asked about their national policy they admitted advocating road pricing!

Locally they supported Tory control of the council in return for Bury's two seats on the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority. Yet, they have made no difference to the way Bury voted on the most crucial of transport issues.

The Tories and Lib Dems are increasingly being shown up as opportunists who say one thing in pursuit of votes and do another when they have the chance to exercise power.

I am one of those voters who has supported local Conservatives and Lib Dem candidates as a protest in recent years.

However, this issue typifies why I and so many others are returning to Labour as the only party now with a credible leader and policies to take our country forward.

LAURA KEAY Radcliffe