RAMSBOTTOM Heritage Society celebrated 20 years exploring the town's past with an anniversary bash at the civic hall.

Visitors were able to learn more about the society's activities as they looked at exhibits and watched hands-on demonstrations.

New displays by the society included photographs from conservation projects and an archaeological excavation at Kibboth Crew.

Barry Aldous demonstrated the art and science of 3D photography, bringing old pictures of Ramsbottom to life, while Donna Hughes showed visitors how to spin cotton. Visitors also had the chance to scan old photographs to add to the society's collection and record oral histories for the North West Sound Archive.

Ramsbottom Heritage Society chairman Tony Murphy said: "I believe we achieved our aim of promoting the society's activities to a wide audience.

"For the future, our hope and expectation is that we shall soon be back in the Heritage Centre in Ramsbottom, albeit on a shared basis, and able to make some level of provision for public access to our collections."