A CONTROVERSIAL plan to allow a garden centre to be built on green belt land has been approved by councillors.

Developer Adonhill applied to Bury Council for permission to erect a new building at the former Berry's Garden Centre, in Turton Road, Tottington.

The plan also included improvements to an access road, the creation of a service road, and car parking.

The site is located within the green belt, but was designated for use as a garden centre when the previous building was opened. However it has fallen into a state of disrepair since the centre closed several years ago.

The committee received 26 letters of objection from residents and the proposals were met with a mixed reaction from councillors at their planning meeting last week at Bury Town Hall.

Tottington councillor Roger Brown, who attended the meeting to speak on behalf of residents, said: "To call this an existing development in my view is simply disingenuous. It hasn't been used for a very long time and a better move would be for the planning department to order this be returned to green belt land."

Fellow ward councillor Yvonne Wright said: "I feel that the proposal will have a detrimental effect on the viability of Tottington village. At least five shops in the village would be competing for the same trade which would be half a mile up the road. Garden centres aren't like they used to be 20 years ago - they sell absolutely everything."

However, other councillors were in favour of the land being used as a garden centre.

Councillor Tony Cummings said: "It was a garden centre and now it is a mess. There are a whole group of derelict buildings and the place is pretty depressing. I would think that the development of the site would be much better for residents."

Councillor Mike Connolly said: "I do understand where residents are coming from and I do have some sympathy with them. At the moment, that site is fairly derelict and isn't very nice to look at, in what is a very beautiful area of the borough. If this development is done sensibly, then I think it is an appropriate use of the site and will enhance the area."

The committee voted to approve the planning application.