TWO teenagers allegedy raped a woman they met in a supermarket car park.

Michael Forrest, of Bury and Bolton Road, Radcliffe, and Michael Mather, of Fairfield Drive, Bury, have denied raping the 26-year-old mother-of-one before a jury at Bolton Crown Court.

Prosecutor Rowena Goode told the court on Monday that the two men, both aged 19, had found the woman in the car park of Morrisons supermarket in Heywood in the early hours of the morning on August 20 last year.

She said the woman may previously have been drugged and assaulted by someone else before she was found by the defendants.

The woman could not remember anything about the incident and had been wearing no shoes and no knickers when the defendants met her in the car park. It was alleged that they drove her in a Peugeot car to a secluded area outside Heywood and raped her. They then drove back to Heywood and pushed her out of the back of a car in the centre of the town, Miss Goode said. Both defendants admitted having sex with the woman but say that it was consensual and instigated by her. They said they left the woman where she had asked to be dropped off.

The prosecution said the woman could not have been in a fit state to consent to sex.

Miss Goode said: "It's the prosecution case that it would be obvious to anyone that she was at that stage under the influence of drink or drugs, or a combination of the two, and that something rather untoward had already happened."

The alleged victim had been out with a friend in Rochdale and then to two bars in Heywood - first Bar Vino and then the New Vic - in Heywood. But, giving evidence in court from behind a screen, she said that despite drinking less than usual for a night out she could not remember anything that happened between being in Bar Vino and being pushed out of the back of a car.

The trial continues.