A RAMSBOTTOM man is painting the town gold.

Graham Twidale, of Coulthurst Street, has been brightening up local post boxes by highlighting the sovereign's crest and other details in gold paint.

The 65-year-old has so far painted 16 post boxes between Edenfield and Holcombe Brook, including the replica Victorian penfold box in Bridge Street, Ramsbottom.

He first started painting post boxes in his home town of Blackpool to mark the route of the town's heritage trail.

He brought his brushes with him when he moved to Ramsbottom in September last year and set to work this summer brightening up the town in celebration of Ramsbottom Heritage Society's 20th anniversary.

He said: "The Royal Mail used to do this as a matter of course many years ago and it looked very smart. They don't do it any more because of the cost but they are generally highly delighted if someone offers to do it for them - as long as you can prove you can make a decent job if it.

"You've got to have a steady hand - you can't go out on the pop the night before. Edward VII boxes are the most difficult because there is a huge E' and lots of swirls."

Mr Twidale is used to bringing cheer to people's doorsteps - he used to work delivering premium bond prizes. Now retired, he indulges his passion for trains and trams. He has written four books about trams and sometimes works the signals at Ramsbottom station.

He said: "I'm one of those people who retires and wonders how they ever had time to work. I'm always finding things to keep me busy.

"I hope it makes people happy to see the post boxes painted, and that it helps create a sense of pride in the area."