A WET weather forecast did nothing to dampen spirits at Cams Lane Primary School's summer fair.

A week of rain led to the school's PTA considering cancelling the annual event, but they were determined to carry on.

So they erected a bouncy castle, beer tent and barbecue outside the school and hoped that the sun would shine.

Other attractions, such as a Thai boxing display and a wide range of stalls, were taken indoors as part of a contingency plan.

And despite a short shower at the beginning of the event, the rain stayed away for the rest of the fundraiser.

People of all ages enjoyed the fair and more than £1,100 was raised for school funds.

Karen Conroy, the PTA's acting secretary, said: "A lot of hard work went into organising the fair and the rain wasn't going to stop us.

"It takes more than a shower to get us down.

"The fair was wonderful and everyone seemed to have a really good time. It was a very successful event."