A RADCLIFFE couple who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last month have died on the same day while on a celebratory family holiday.

Brian and Betty Eckersley, both aged 72, died on Tuesday - the day they were due to fly back.

The couple, who lived on The Crescent, had gone to the popular holiday destination of Magaluf last Tuesday with their daughter Carol Cutler (46), and grandchildren Adam (19) and Charlotte (16).

Late on Monday evening, Mrs Eckersley suffered a brain haemorrhage and was taken to hospital where doctors said there was nothing that could be done to save her.

On hearing the devastating news, Mr Eckersley suffered a major heart attack in the hospital in the early hours of Tuesday. His wife's life support machine was turned off and her husband passed away soon afterwards.

Mrs Cutler, who flew back with her children late Tuesday, said: "My dad had said just hours before that he would not return home without my mum. They both died on the same day, which was also my dad's birthday.

"My dad simply could just not live without her. In all the days they had been married the two had not spent a day apart. They got engaged before my dad went off to his National Service, and married when he returned. Their story is just so romantic, these days stories like this are rarely heard of."

She added: "What happened is such a shock. My mother was not ill, my dad contracted cancer two-and-half-years-ago but that did not stop him from doing anything. Both were very active."

Mr Eckersley, a former Stand Grammar School pupil, was well known in Radcliffe as he held the position of president of Radcliffe Cricket Club and was also made an honorary member. He was also a regular at Little Lever Working Men's Club where he used to go with his friends. He spent most of his working life in insurance.

His wife attended Radcliffe Secondary Modern and worked at Bury-based McPherson Paints.

The two met at a dance hall and married at St Thomas' Church in Radcliffe.

On retirement they spent their time travelling around Europe, enjoying two trips a year as well as looking after their grandchildren.

Mr Eckersley was a keen supporter of Manchester City, and took first his daughter and then his grandson to see the team play.

Mrs Cutler, who lives in Lowercroft, said: "When Adam played for Bury Juniors, my dad would go and watch him all the time come rain or shine. He was even given the Parent Supporter Award! Quite an achievement considering he wasn't Adam's parent."

She added: "We are such a close knit family and my parents really were an inspiration. I would like to be the same sort of parent and grandparent as they were.

"They were kind and generous and would do anything for anyone. They loved the town they lived in. They had lived at their house for 35 years and never wanted to move away. They had so many friends, and I have been visited and contacted by so many people who they knew."

Mrs Cutler added: "They died when they were together and happy on holiday with all their family. It has been unusual for us all to go away on holiday since the children got older but because it was their golden anniversary we all decided to enjoy a holiday.

"We had such a laugh being all together."

Funeral arrangements are still being finalised but it is expected a service will be held at St Andrew's Church in Radcliffe followed by a burial at Radcliffe Cemetery.