HEAR, hear to the points made by Mr Brooks in his recent letter about congestion charges and to the other contributor in regard to the nonsense of the bus lanes on Bolton Road.

We now know that GMPTA have been disingenuous in their leaflet to encourage us to think positively about congestion charges - how can they expect us to take them seriously?

A point that seems to have been overlooked is that of disabled drivers. As a pensioner and disabled driver, private transport is sometimes the only feasible way of getting about where public transport does not provide direct travel.

The proposed introduction of further charges to motorists would only serve to disadvantage disabled drivers even more, especially when we need to go to hospital appointments, which unlike the 'character' in the GMPTA leaflet, we cannot always do off peak!

The one thing that I admire the French people for, is their ability to mobilise themselves in taking direct action when unhappy with their lot, especially at the hands of the French 'government'.

The motorists' lobby in this country could be a powerful one, if only we would steel ourselves to be active in our disdain and not so passively British!

MR A MCFARLAND Limefield Brow Bury