As a small town it's highly unlikely we can make a difference. WRONG! As one household it's extremely doubtful we can change our town. WRONG! As an individual it's impossible I could improve the environment. WRONG! Televisions, cars, washing machines, are these going to be things of the past or the future? It's up to us to decide, as the future rests on our shoulders. If we continue to leave lights on, the television on standby and drive to easily accessible places, then these will become a thing of the past; the energy we're wasting, is energy no longer available and if we don't stop it in Bury we could find ourselves and technology going back in time.

One simple way to help is to recycle. Most households in Bury own recycling bins, but how many actually use them? These bins are an easy way to recycle your rubbish, without having to go to recycling banks. By recycling your rubbish, less is dumped in landfill sights around Bury, which destroy our environment. If we don't stop now our countryside will be polluted by these sights!

Tescos have begun an environmentally friendly campaign of re-using plastic bags. Many people store their plastic bags and collect more each time they shop; If you knew that it takes up to 20 years for a plastic bag to biodegrade would you still be so keen to dispose of them? As part of the U.K we waste almost 6 billion plastic bags per year, which equates to the surface area of London and would take over 120 billion years to biodegrade. Are you part of the 62% that recycle their plastics bags in Lancashire? If not, next time you shop take along an old carrier bag, and do your bit to help the environment.

Your child making their way to and from school by foot or public transport, instead of by car can make a big difference- all the unnecessary car emissions are adding greatly to global warming. If we continue to be as dependent on cars as present, by 2012 private vehicles will be banned from dropping off, or collecting children from schools. More cycle lanes may encourage people to use this transport, why not go to a town hall meeting and put ideas like this forward.

Another easy way to help the environment is to use energy- saving bulbs in your home. They have a longer rated life, 8-15 time longer than an ordinary bulb and use over 2000 times less energy. At an easily affordable price every house should be full of them. So why not start now, getting friends and family to do the same.

It's better to start tackling global warming before it is too late, as an individual, a household or as a town; either way YOU can make a difference. If we all do little bits to help then our small town could do big things.