Making Bury Greener Global warming has become an increasingly important and talked about issue recently. It is causing climate change all over the world and if not stopped, will have disastrous effects on all things on this earth. Something needs to be done.

There are many ways we can reduce our carbon footprint, which if done by everyone in Bury, will have dramatic but favourable effects on our climate and environment. You do not need to start a big recycling project, it is the small things added together that make the biggest difference. For example, reusing your carrier bags for every Tesco visit rather than getting new ones every time you shop. Think how much plastic we would save if we never used another new plastic bag, we would save tonnes and the save gases released when making these plastics would be vast.

However being Earth friendly starts at home, turn down your heating by a few degrees, wash your clothes at a lower temperature all of these small changes add up over time to make a huge difference in the amount of C02 used just to make your life a little more comfortable. Replacing all your existing light bulbs with energy saving ones would not only save you money (up to £100 a year depending on usage) but also help to save the Earth. They use up much less electricity and therefore create less greenhouse gases which are contributing to global warming and destroying the polar ice caps resulting in a much higher sea level which one day could be fatal for us and everything we have built and love today.

It is not just in the home where you can reduce the amount of CO2 you are releasing into the atmosphere, the type of car you drive and the way you drive it are also massive factors that make up your total carbon footprint. For example, a 4x4 burns up much more fuel per mile than say a small hatchback and if you drive quicker in short bursts it also burns up more furl than if you drive at a steady and relatively constant speed.

When you have finished a drink, what do you do with it? Probably just how it in the nearest bin you can find as it is the most convenient thing to do, however if you take the time to find a recycling centre (found at most big stores) you will be saving a huge amount of plastic or glass and even aluminium if you recycle your cans. We should all be using the recycling bins we have been given off the council to recycle our waste, paper and glass, if not, you are contributing to global warming and making our world a worse and warmer place.

It does not take much time or effort, so why are we not all recycling and reusing things, it is not hard. If we all begin now we may just be able to have an impact on the revival and environmental situation on our planet.