SIX girls from Ramsbottom have been named Rotary young citizens of the year for their work taking gifts to children in Ukraine.

The students collected and sorted gift boxes with the Preston-based International Aid Trust (IAT) and travelled to Ukraine in August last year to deliver them to youngsters and learn about the charity's work.

As a group, they won the Rotary Club's UK Young Citizen of the Year award in a ceremony at Bournemouth.

Danielle McGreavy, Laura Sharkey, Vicky Neary, Sophie Tickle, Katie Byrne and Sian Williams are all members of Ramsbottom Rotary Club's Interact group, a separate club for people aged 14-18. They spent ten days travelling around Ukraine to see IAT's work and meet the children that benefit.

They visited centres for rescued street children, drug rehabilitation centres and countryside camps that provide holidays for children from impoverished urban areas.

Laura Sharkey (17), of Holcombe Road, Greenmount, said: "We were just doing what we could to help other people and we've received this recognition that we didn't even know was there.

"It feels strange to receive an award because we weren't after any kind of recognition. But the award meant we were able to donate the £500 prize to the IAT. That was important to us because it's their ongoing work that should benefit.

"Our experience in Ukraine was not as upsetting as I thought it would be.

"We met a lot of people of our age with very difficult backgrounds but most of them were really happy despite their difficulties. They were very welcoming.

"It was inspiring to see how the charity is making such a huge difference. Afterwards I felt more motivated to help as much as possible in the future."

The Ramsbottom teenagers played games and sports with Ukrainian children and donated money they had collected ahead of their trip to buy basic food for sponsored families and children's homes. They also distributed toys and gifts collected in the UK as part of the IAT's shoebox appeal Ramsbottom Rotarian Peter Clare said the girls' award was well deserved.

He said: "The Interactors have demonstrated leadership and organisational skills.

"Their experience abroad has given them increased international understanding. Through their involvement particularly with young people they have furthered their awareness of the importance of citizenship both at home and abroad."