RADCLIFFE joined celebrations for the Scout movement's jubilee year by creating a memorial to its founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell.

The council's parks department used 8,000 plants in the memorial, which was located on the Spring Lane side of Festival Gardens.

The design was chosen by Mr W Briggs, Radcliffe's parks superintendent, from a selection of six sent to him by the Boy Scouts' Association.

It showed the Boy Scout badge encircled with the words, "Boy Scouts' Jubilee Year, 1907-1957".

The memorial measured approximately 12ft in diameter and looked similar to those in Prestwich and Bury.

It was the first time in some years that the parks department had tackled a project of this type and there were several problems along the way.

When it was decided to have a flowerbed memorial, they discovered that there were not enough plants of the type needed in stock.

Mr Briggs and his staff propagated some of their own plants and the remainder were given by other councils.