A BROWNIE pack is desperately searching for a new home to ensure the group's survival.

The 2nd Radcliffe Brownies and Rainbows have been left without a permanent base since the closure of Church House, which is part of Radcliffe Parish Church.

The building has been declared unsafe and the roof is leaking, so the girls were forced to move out after ten years based there.

They have been meeting at Close Methodist Church, in Bury Street, since January, but the hall does not have any storage space for the pack's artwork and equipment.

Group leader Rose Linihan said: "Church House is being sold and will then be demolished, so we can't meet there anymore.

"We can't meet in the church because there isn't enough room, so we've moved to Close Methodist Church for now.

"We don't have anywhere to store all our equipment though and most of it is still in Church House. We always have to think ahead to make sure that we have the right things in the right place. I have no idea where we'll move everything when the building is emptied."

The pack, which has 40 children aged five to 11, is now looking for a large room with storage space to make their new home.

They meet each Tuesday during the school term from 6.30pm to 8pm, and would like to find somewhere in the Dumers Lane or Cross Lane area of Radcliffe.

Mrs Linihan said: "If we can't find anywhere to meet then the girls will get fed up and leave the group. If they do leave, then we might be forced to close down.We don't want that to happen, but it's a real possibility."

Anyone who can help the pack can contact Mrs Linihan by calling (0161) 280 0424.