RADCLIFFE mum Louise Blythe is waiting by the phone for the call that could save her life.

Six years ago, when she was told her kidneys had failed, her world fell apart.

She knew she faced hours of painful dialysis and that the daily play sessions she had with her seven-year-old daughter, Chloe, would be a thing of the past.

Louise, of Holland Court, is now on the organ donor waiting list and spends her days waiting for the phone to ring, hoping it will be the call that will transform her life.

As part of National Transplant Week, the 39-year-old mother is making a desperate plea for more people to sign up to the organ donor register.

She said: "I don't think people realise just how much an organ donor can change someone's life.

"I've seen people look terrible while they are having dialysis, but as soon as they receive their transplant, they have a new lease of life.

"It's so important that people sign up to give someone this chance."

Louise was first diagnosed with kidney problems when she was just seven years old.

She had three operations - aged seven, nine and 12 - but they failed to provide a permanent solution.

After spending almost a year in hospital recovering from her final operation, Louise was forced to abandon her passion for sprinting and had to leave Bury Athletics Club.

She continued to have treatment but six years ago, her kidneys failed completely and she began dialysis. Two years ago, she was placed on the transplant waiting list, but has yet to find a donor. She must undergo dialysis three times a week, with each session lasting five hours. Her condition leaves her too tired to play with Chloe.

Her diet is also extremely restricted as she must avoid foods containing potassium, such as chocolate, potatoes and most fruit and vegetables, and drink a very limited amount of liquid, To sign up to the organ donor register, telephone 0845 6060400 or visit www.uktransplant.org.uk