IT'S truly a case of fire and water for Holcombe Brook man Don Taylor.

For after serving in the fire brigade for 30 years, he has now secured his boatmaster licence to enable him to skipper a tug-powered canal boat in Tameside.

Fifty-nine-year-old Don is now a familiar figure to sailors who regularly cruise the Huddersfield Canal. Don is skipper of the Still Waters, operated by the Tameside Canal Trust.

The boat leaves from the Portland Basin Museum at Ashton-under-Lyne and travels to Donkeystone and back.

"It's a 40-minute round trip and it's around 2.5 miles. The 70ft long boat is without an engine and it is pushed by the tug of which I'm the boatmaster", said Don.

Don, of Moray Close, joined the Tameside Canal Trust in 2003 after retiring from the fire brigade. He had previously served as a sub-officer in the Ramsbottom and Heywood fire stations.

He added: "The reason why I got involved with the Trust in the first place was because I'd heard something on the local radio about volunteers. I've been with the organisation for the last four years and I've thoroughly enjoyed it."

The Still Waters can carry 47 passengers and also has a lift to aid wheelchair users. The vessel runs regularly at weekends and is also available for private bookings.

Another volunteer on the narrow boat is Stoneclough man Paul Tyler. The 41-year-old said: "I joined last year after taking my little girls down there."

Meanwhile, the Tameside Canal Trust wants to recruit more volunteers. For information telephone 01457 871800.