IN response to the planning application for new rail track infrastructure at the Buckley Wells Loco Works in Baron Street, Bury; I wish to convey in this correspondence that residents in the Buckley Wells area strongly disagree with the application.

We believe that this is a sign of creeping degeneration', whereby the true result of these works will mean a Metrolink stop being built in the Buckley Wells area.

The possibility of a Metrolink stop there is strongly opposed.Metrolink has not been mentioned at all in the letter and it has been up to residents like us to find out the grand plan' for ourselves.

We feel that this application contributes to deliberate attempts to build an infrastructure where a Metrolink stop can be justified; tourism and business brought in by the new ELR development (the landfill operations of which this application refers) will make a stop inevitable. A Metrolink stop in this area will substantially reduce our quality of life, the prices of our properties, and leave us open to a substantially greater risk of crime. We do not want this.

CARL CHRYSTAN Barker Street Bury