MAY I say how delighted I was to read about the success of the Bradley Fold residents in opposing the composting site in their vicinity, and may I compliment the new council for the speedy conclusion which was so fast, Ivan Lewis MP almost missed the bandwagon altogether.

I note, and agree with Coun Wayne Campbell who has asked for a report on who was involved and how it progressed so far, though how he could believe that anyone could doubt the veracity of our councillilors I just find mind-boggling.

Perhaps while the Chief Executive is formulating this report, he could also look into the new fishing lodge / wildlife pond promised to the East Lancashire Paper Mill Angling Club in exchange for two such sites which have already been drained in preparation for the new school, but have since appeared to have become a non-issue.

Furthermore, following the dreadful wanton vandalism at the George V playing fields, it might also review whether it is such a good idea to relocate the East Lancashire Cricket Club at that site.

The unelected bodies such as local government quangos could also be scrutinized to ensure that they are not proceeding beyond their mandates.

However, the most important enquiry must be the fair pay system for Bury MBC employees which is still unresolved and why after having several years notice, no provision has been made to cover costs which could be huge, and if Unison take the matter to court in pursuit of their members' rights, could also involve even extra costs.

Finally, they may enquire into wheelie bin collections throughout Radcliffe, for although there are no complaints about the regularity of collections, there are many people who take umbridge to the fact that whilst they wrestle them off their property, which they appreciate is for insurance purposes, they are then taken away and emptied into the refuse vehicle, but then abandoned at some spot for the convenience of the collectors.

This entails council tax payers making greater journeys to collect them. Surely this cannot be right and must be against the agreement with the MBC.

Bernard Slingsby