GREATER Manchester Police now reaches more than one million people on social networking sites.

During the first two weeks in December, the force communicated with more than 750,000 people on Facebook, and this figure rose to almost a million last week.

The force already has more than 115,000 followers on Twitter and uses other social networks, including YouTube, Flickr and Pinterest.

Social networking is being linked to a number of high profile operations, including a Christmas crime crackdown called Operation Advent.

Deputy Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said: “We regularly get positive feedback about our updates using social media.

“The updates make it easier for people to find out what is happening in their area and also what we are doing to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.”

l More than 1,000 people and organisations are now actively following The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust — which runs Fairfield and North Manchester hospitals — on Twitter, where the public and patients are be updated on news, events and public health messages.

In October this year, the trust ran an unique live “24-hours in accident and emergency Tweetathon” from Fairfield Hospital, as part of Bury Light Night.