A MAN has been jailed for seven years for raping a vulnerable teenage girl at a party in Bury.

Brian Chiwanda, pictured, aged 31, of Essoldo Close, Gorton, was convicted of rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault, after initially denying the crimes at a flat in Sunny Bank Road on July 17, 2011.

Daniel Calder, prosecuting, said Chiwanda’s victim, aged 16, has since taken an overdose in an attempted suicide and finds it very difficult to talk about her ordeal.

Bolton Crown Court heard on Thursday that the victim was seen to have consensual sex with a man shortly after arriving at the party and was clearly drunk.

A short time later she went into one of the bedrooms, the defendant followed and barricaded the door behind him.

Chiwanda was rumbled by other partygoers who heard noise coming from the room.

Chiwanda initially said the girl consented but changed his pleas after realising witnesses were willing to testify against him.

The girl was said to be unable to give her consent due to a “cocktail of drink and drugs”.

Shirlie Duckworth, defending, said drugs and alcohol facilitated the offences and the defendant took advantage of the teenager.

Chiwanda, originally from Zimbabwe, came over to England with his partner, with whom he has a child. They have since separated.

Judge Peter Davies, sentencing, said: “She was of the age where she needed protection from somebody like you. You deliberately put yourself in the position of control where you thought you wouldn’t be disturbed and new she couldn’t resist. The psychological impact cannot be measured and may never be measured.”

In addition, he was given a two-year sentence for sexual assault by penetration and 12 months for sexual assault. All charges will run concurrently.