IN his rather belated attempt to join in the debate I have been enjoying with Coun Bob Bibby, Coun Redstone confirms what I have long known, and indeed, what he himself has admitted, namely, that he knows nothing about local authority finance, despite the fact that we've even gone to the trouble of sending him on a course!

Coun Bibby and Coun Redstone have talked a lot in their recent correspondence but actually have said nothing, something they both excel at.

Not once in any correspondence has either of them offered any credible alternatives to Labour's budget.

The electorate have a right to know where the local Tories stand. Empty rhetoric and tub thumping is not good enough.

I often have to remind the opposition that with power comes responsibility - something the Labour Group takes very seriously.

Couns Bibby and Redstone have a lot in common with David Cameron - all soundbyte and no substance.

COUN MIKE CONNOLLY Deputy leader of the council