THE bells of a Ramsbottom church rang out to mark the centenary of the first women in Great Britain getting the vote.

An all-female band of bell ringers sounded the bells at St Paul's Church, in Bridge Street, in Ramsbottom, on Tuesday to acknowledge the sacrifice made by the Suffragettes one hundred years earlier.

All seven women were members of the Rammy Ringers and were of various ages and abilities.

They rang the bells from 7pm until 7.30pm.

The idea was devised by band member Deb Willsea, who thought it would be a fitting way to salute 'the courage and tenacity' of the Suffragettes.

It marked the 100-year anniversary of the passing of the 'Representation of the People Act' in 1918, in which all men and women were granted the right to vote.

For more on the group visit