SUPERJOSH founder Dawn Fidler brings you her latest blog.

AS part of our work helping in our community we launched the Pride of Bury Awards in Josh's legacy to recognise and celebrate all of our local heroes in Bury.

We are now in our third year of the awards and the public vote is now live.

You can read about all of our finalists and vote for your heroes by visiting

We are super excited to meet all of our finalists at our very special awards ceremony on Friday, October 27. Tickets for the awards will be available for the public to buy next week.

On Saturday, we held a thank-you party at the Village Hotel for our amazing team of Thumbraisers.

Our team of volunteers gives us such incredible support. Without them we simply couldn't hold our fundraising events and help support all of our families.

It overwhelms me how many truly special people we have in our team and the huge amount of time and support that they devote to Josh's charity, we are so lucky to have such a dedicated team.

It was a brilliant night celebrating our fourth birthday as a charity and what would have been my amazing boys 17th birthday in August.

It's incredible to look back on how much we have achieved since the beginning when Josh and myself launched his charity to try and help other families in some small way.

So many people donate their time, services, support and money to help make it possible and we will never be able to say a big enough thank you.

To have raised £520,000 and to have helped support more than 1,500 families is the most amazing achievement and I hope every single supporter and member of our team is extremely proud.

However vital our fundraising is to support our helping families, the awareness of our work is crucial.

Our overall aim is always, that anyone who knows of a family who's child or young person has been diagnosed with a brain tumour, knows to contact SuperJosh so we can help.

You can donate to The Joshua Wilson Brain Tumour Charity by simply texting SJBT13 followed by £1, £2, £5 or £10 to 70070