SMILING youngsters went really wild for a safari-themed fun day in Prestwich.

In a bid to encourage children to explore the area's woodland, Incredible Edible's Prestwich and District branch organised a series of family activities at Prestwich Clough Forest Garden on Sunday.

The group's members grow fruit and vegetables on public land across the borough, from fire stations to Metrolink platforms, and they have masterminded dozens of green projects.

At Sunday's event on the land off Clough Lane, children came face to face with a life-sized model zebra named Stripy as well as other wildlife models.

Youngsters joined in with an animal mask-making session and were encouraged to make dens and learn how to forage.

Mike Pope, a volunteer with Incredible Edible, said: "It was a really good day. We had about 200 people come along and the children loved the model zebra."

The venue features a woodland garden, which members were keen to show off after spending the last few years sprucing it up.

Mr Pope added: "Our aim is not for a short-term project, but for something natural that will work over the long term.

"The trees there are about two or three years old and we have about 30 fruit trees.

"It is a woodland garden that will soak up moisture and prove to be very sustainable over the years."

For more information about the group: visit